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Realtors & Estate Consultants Association Of Kolkata

Your Gateway to world of realty

Foundation Background

Foundation Background

Foundation Background

Formed in the year 2005, RECA (Realtors & Estate Consultants Association of Kolkata) has revolutionized the practice of real estate broking in Kolkata. Now 120 members strong, RECA excels on the virtues of ethics, transparency, accountability, rule of law, good governance and above all, professionalism.

RECA is a member of NAR-INDIA (The National Association of Realtors–India). NAR-INDIA, the credible voice of realtors in India not only acts as the single national level umbrella organization representing the interests of thousands of realtors/brokers operating all over the country, but also aims to elevate the practice of real estate broking in India to a global standard. NAR-INDIA has an alliance with National Association of Realtors (NAR), USA as well as the International Consortium of Real Estate Associations (ICREA), USA.
