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Realtors & Estate Consultants Association Of Kolkata

Your Gateway to world of realty

Membership Fees

Foundation Background

Membership Fees & Criteria

A. Membership Type: Individual Members – Individual

Induction fees Annual Subscription Eligibility Criteria Voting Rights Representation
One time induction fees Of Rs. 12,000/- (plus GST) Annual Subscription Rs. 6000/- (plus GST) 1. Trade license for the last 2 years.
2. Pan Card.
3. Address proof
4. GST registration(if applicable)
5. 2 reference from RECA Kolkata (The proposer member should be a member of the association of not less than 3 years. The seconder should be a member of the association of not less than 2 years.)
By only one member 1 Representative

B. Membership Type: Corporate Members – Proprietorship / HUFPartnership /LLP / Private Ltd. / Public Ltd.

Induction fees Annual Subscription Eligibility Criteria Voting Rights Representation
One time induction fees Of Rs. 25,000/- (plus GST) Annual Subscription Rs. 9,000/- (plus GST) for 2 fixed representative

Rs. 12,000/- (plus GST) for 3 fixed representative
1. Trade license for the last 2 years.
2. Pan Card.
3. Address proof
4. GST registration(if applicable)
5. 2 reference from RECA Kolkata (The proposer member should be a member of the association of not less than 3 years. The seconder should be a member of the association of not less than 2 years.)
6. Certificate of incorporation from ROC
7. Board Resolution
8. Partnership deed (for partnership firm)
By only one member 2-3 depending on the membership opted for.

C. Membership Type: Associate Members – Individual & Corporate/ Members from allied Real Estate industries.

Induction fees Annual Subscription Eligibility Criteria Voting Rights Representation
One time induction fees Of Rs. 10,000/- (plus GST) for 1 representative.

One time induction fees Rs 15,000/-(plus GST) for 1 representative.
Annual Subscription Rs. 7,000/- (plus GST) for 1 representative in Individual Category.

Rs. 11,500/- (plus GST) for 1 representative in Corporate Category.
1. Trade license/Professional Tax for the last 2 years.
2. Pan Card
3. Address proof
4. GST registration(if applicable)
No Voting Rights 1 Representative

For Membership Please contact :

Mr. Anup Dalmia (Bobby) - 9830059556
E.Mail :

Mr. Rajesh Baid - 9830252530
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