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Realtors & Estate Consultants Association Of Kolkata

Your Gateway to world of realty

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"RECA Kolkata is only an intermediary offering its platform to facilitate the transaction between seller and customer/user. RECA Kolkata shall neither be responsible nor liable to mediate or resolve any dispute or disagreement between the seller and customer/buyer. Customer shall settle all disputes without involving RECA Kolkata in any manner. Information filled by you will be circulated among all RECA Kolkata members and they will contact you via phone no. or mail address provided by you.Any information/content in relation to any property or otherwise shall be submitted by you only and only if you are: - Undisputed legal owner of said property or Legally valid Special Power of Attorney holder from the undisputed legal owner of said property to perform under this Contract or Holding any other legally valid authority document(s); or Otherwise legally authorized to submit such information."

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